North Yorkshire > Harrogate District Council

Harrogate District is in North Yorkshire and includes the majority of the Nidderdale AONB.

The District covers 1,308 sq km and is a large rural area containing the towns of Harrogate Knaresborough, Boroughbridge, Masham, Pateley Bridge and the cathedral City of Ripon.

Harrogate District's landscape is rich and varied, encompassing the apparent wilderness of the moors in Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and intensively cultivated farmland, the natural beauty of wood and water and carefully tended gardens and parks, town and country, small-scale details and large-scale planning, new schemes and the legacy of the past.

The Planning Division's Landscape Architects give advice on landscape matters, contribute to Development Briefs & Design Guidance, formulating Landscape Policy and giving advice in Project design.


Harrogate Landscape Character Assessment was completed in 2004 and can be found at:

In 2007 the AONB Equestrian Development Guidelines were published to help manage the change in landscape character resulting from Equestrian Development in the Nidderdale AONB. The guidelines can be found at:

The Harrogate District Green Infrastructure SPD was adopted in 2014 and can be found at:

The SPD seeks to enhance the natural and built environment of the district by helping applicants and developers ensure that proposals for development make the most of opportunities to improve existing, and create new, green infrastructure.

Landscape / Planning Contact

Barrie Gannon

Jan Falkingham