North Yorkshire > Ryedale District Council

Ryedale is a District Authority, and covers one of the largest Local Authority areas. It contains a significant proportion of the North York Moors National Park (which has its own planning authority). To the west of the District is the Howardian Hills AONB, and the LPA has also adopted Local Landscape Designations for the Fringes of the Moors. The Vale of Pickering is also identified as a landscape of value, primarily due to the extensive archaeology.

Ryedale District Council is responsible for any planning applications outside the National Park and not subject to the remit of the County Council in exercising its planning functions.

Ryedale District does not have a landscape specialist. Specialist advice is sought as when required. The Forward Planning Team, responsible for Planning Policy are the contact for landscape matters.

Ryedale District Council has a recently adopted Development Plan: The Ryedale Plan- Local Plan Strategy Policy SP13 is specifically concerned with landscapes


Ryedale has a suite of Landscape Character Assessments. They have been made available electronically.

The Council also uses the County Council' s LCA work:

Landscapes of Northern Ryedale 1999 (Gillespies)
Which covers Ryedale outside the National Park, AONB, Vale of York and Wolds. (Vale of Pickering and Fringe of the Moors):

Howardian Hills LCA - covering the Howardian Hills:

Our Landscape Our Future 1995 (Gillespies)
Covering the Wolds, and Vale of York :

Special Qualities Study of Ryedale's Market Towns, (Ryedale DC):

Vale of Pickering Statement of Significance (2011) (English Heritage):

National Character Area profile 27 Yorkshire Wolds
provides an overview of this distinctive and locally designated chalk landscape which Ryedale shares with East Riding and Scarborough Councils - see:

Landscape / Planning Contact

Rachael Balmer
Forward Planning Officer
01653 600666 ext 357