South Yorkshire > Doncaster

Doncaster Council is a unitary metropolitan borough, part of Sheffield City Region.

The Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy is the current development plan for Doncaster together with saved Unitary Development Plan policies. The Doncaster Local Plan is under preparation.

Doncaster does not have any landscape specialists, with landscape related work falling to the Planning Team.


A Landscape Character and Capacity Assessment of Doncaster (LCCA) was carried out by ECUS Ltd in 2006/2007. The study describes Doncaster’s landscape character and assesses the overall landscape capacity of landscape character areas to accommodate different types of development including housing, strategic employment, minerals and waste, large-scale forestry, biomass planting, and wind energy. Additional Areas of Special Landscape Value were identified but ASLVs do not form part of the current development plan.

Further landscape assessment was carried out in 2010 to examine in greater detail localized areas where there is considered to be pressure for housing and/or strategic employment development. These studies can be downloaded from:

Doncaster’s Green Infrastructure Strategy 2014- 20128 can be downloaded from

Landscape / Planning Contact

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